so, it’d be better if they didn’t even vote now, no?
I did speculate that if low-info voters self-exclude, it would improve the voting pool.
It’s not their votes I want, it’s their participation, otherwise
people, fed up with being marginalised by the current system
will take the first opportunity to stick it to the man, whatever the issue, and kill the dream.
That’s what I meant about my views counting. I wasn’t being humble, but any ideal I have about how society should be organised needs to take into account how inclusive it would be.
In any case, don’t we need some kind of buy-in to make the change in the first place?
In terms of the long game, I just meant that this idea may take some time to grow into the discourse.
Whether strategy or not, there has been a low level campaign to leave the EU from some in the press and backbenches for as long as I can remember.
By the time it went mainstream, or became a serious debate, people had a long history of stories they could refer back to, reinforcing the narrative.
Maybe UBI is a better example of an idea that was pretty fringe not long ago, then grew in the public consciousness until people were seriously looking at it.
It may not have stood up to scrutiny, but getting it there is a start.
Heh … you’d feel as unclean as me, if we did that 😀